Guanellian Family

The Guanellian Family is composed of the Religious Congregations of the Servants of Charity, Daughters of St Mary of Providence, the lay associations of the Guanellian Cooperators and Guanellian Lay Movement and the Canonically established confraternity of prayer, the Pious Union of St Joseph.

These Guanellian Priests and Sisters, individuals, groups, and Christian lay associations are inspired by the life, spirit and charism of their founder, Saint Louis Guanella. The numbers of lay people, to whom the Lord shares the Guanellian charism, is growing in our world today, together with the propagation of many lay groups who take their Christian inspiration from Saint Louis Guanella.

The Guanellian Family loves God and connects with Him in the way of a child, who tenderly trusts in his Father’s will.  In this spirit, they become witnesses of God’s love in their families, their communities and the world. They are in turn drawn to the spirituality of Saint Guanella, whose heart is to be found in the Divine paternity and in the tenderness of Mary.  In union with Jesus, the Good Shepherd and Good Samaritan, they give themselves without limit in dispensing “Bread and the Lord” to those living in situations of abandonment, hardship and suffering.

Members of the Guanellian Family commit themselves to a deep and continued awareness of the life and mission of Saint Louis Guanella and those who were called to holiness within his mission of charity: Blessed Clare Bosatta, Venerable Bishop Aurelio Bacciarini and the Servant of God Catherine Guanella.

Servants of
Servants of Charity in
Daughters of St. Mary of
St. Louis Center, Chelsea
US Conference of Catholic
Diocese of
ZENIT (the world seen from Rome)
Catholic News